Travel Notes: Italy New Government to be Initially Only Modestly Confrontational with Europe
Travel Notes: Italy New Government to be Initially Only Modestly Confrontational with Europe

Nouriel Roubini
Brunello Rosa

Added on 06/09/2018

Trump May Kill the Global Recovery
Trump May Kill the Global Recovery

Nouriel Roubini

Added on 06/09/2018

An audience with Henry Chesbrough
An audience with Henry Chesbrough

Asher Mullard

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
The Thought Leader Interview: Henry Chesbrough
The Thought Leader Interview: Henry Chesbrough

Rob Norton

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Il lento deragliamento del treno Euro in Italia
Il lento deragliamento del treno Euro in Italia

Nouriel Roubini
Brunello Rosa

Added on 06/09/2018

America, China (and the Rest): Economics, Technology and the Struggle for Global Power
America, China (and the Rest): Economics, Technology and the Struggle for Global Power

Niall Ferguson

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Robots and Our Future Society
Robots and Our Future Society

Hiroshi Ishiguro

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
We'd better get used to Emperor Donaldus Trump
We'd better get used to Emperor Donaldus Trump

Niall Ferguson

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Hiroshi Ishiguro: The Man Who Made a Copy of Himself
Hiroshi Ishiguro: The Man Who Made a Copy of Himself

Erico Guizzo

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Open Innovation: Research, Practices, and Policies
Open Innovation: Research, Practices, and Policies

Henry Chesbrough
Marcel Bogers
Carlos Moedas

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Immigration shouldn't be Trump's problem
Immigration shouldn't be Trump's problem

Niall Ferguson

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
The EU melting pot is melting down
The EU melting pot is melting down

Niall Ferguson

Added on 06/09/2018

Scenario Economia
Transforming passion in results
Transforming passion in results

André Stoffels

Added on 17/07/2018

Become inspiring: how to get the best out of those around you
Become inspiring: how to get the best out of those around you

Conor Neill

Added on 07/07/2018

Customer Experience differenziazione, valore e misurazione
Customer Experience differenziazione, valore e misurazione

Matteo Sarzana

Added on 05/07/2018

Sales & Marketing
Riforma dell'UEM e politiche monetarie e finanziarie per consolidare la ripresa
Riforma dell'UEM e politiche monetarie e finanziarie per consolidare la ripresa

Marco Buti

Added on 04/07/2018

Scenario Economia
Report on Public Finances in EMU. Institutional Paper 069
Report on Public Finances in EMU. Institutional Paper 069

European Commission

Added on 04/07/2018

Scenario Economia
L'Italia e l'austerità che non c'è (così come la crescita)
L'Italia e l'austerità che non c'è (così come la crescita)

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

La mancanza di rigore prima o poi presenta il conto (agli altri)
La mancanza di rigore prima o poi presenta il conto (agli altri)

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

Le regole fiscali servono non sono stupide
Le regole fiscali servono non sono stupide

Veronica De Romanis

Added on 03/07/2018

Learning about fiscal multipliers during the European sovereign debt crisis: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment
Learning about fiscal multipliers during the European sovereign debt crisis: evidence from a quasi-natural experiment

Lucyna Gòrnicka
Christophe Kamps
Gerrit Koester
Nadine Leiner-Killinger

Added on 03/07/2018

Interview with the Financial Times - Interview with Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB
Interview with the Financial Times - Interview with Vítor Constâncio, Vice-President of the ECB

Vítor Constâncio
Claire Jones

Added on 03/07/2018

Occhio: la nuova Eurozona offre all'Italia più rischi che benefici
Occhio: la nuova Eurozona offre all'Italia più rischi che benefici

Guido Tabellini

Added on 03/07/2018

Lettera al Premier: come proteggere l'interesse italiano in Europa
Lettera al Premier: come proteggere l'interesse italiano in Europa

Francesco Giavazzi
Lucrezia Reichlin
Luigi Zingales

Added on 03/07/2018
