Presentation by Elena Reutskaja
Presentation by Elena Reutskaja

Elena Reutskaja

Added on 18/03/2025


Added on 13/03/2025

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature
How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature

Jean-Pascal Gond
Grace Augustine
Hyemi Shin
Alessandro Tirapani
Szilvia Mosonyi

Added on 13/03/2025

Sustainability ideals are often crushed by corporate demands. Here’s how businesses can let them flourish
Sustainability ideals are often crushed by corporate demands. Here’s how businesses can let them flourish

Sanne Frandsen
Enrico Fontana
Mette Morsing

Added on 13/03/2025

Un ruolo in evoluzione: il manager della sostenibilità
Un ruolo in evoluzione: il manager della sostenibilità

Frank De Bakker

Added on 13/03/2025

Le nuove regole dell’echoverse marketing
Le nuove regole dell’echoverse marketing

Joshua Bowers

Added on 13/03/2025

Il video call shopping di Gucci e la moda che si allea con i videogame
Il video call shopping di Gucci e la moda che si allea con i videogame

Enrica Roddolo

Added on 13/03/2025

Innovation Is Everyone's Business
Innovation Is Everyone's Business

Ben M. Bensaou

Added on 13/03/2025

Risorse umane Leadership
How CSR managers can inspire other leaders to act on sustainability
How CSR managers can inspire other leaders to act on sustainability

Christopher Wickert
Frank G.A. De Bakker

Added on 13/03/2025

Senior Leaders As Chief Reframing Officers
Senior Leaders As Chief Reframing Officers

Ben M. Bensaou

Added on 13/03/2025

Risorse umane Leadership
Gucci inaugura a Firenze il nuovo global client services center
Gucci inaugura a Firenze il nuovo global client services center

Added on 13/03/2025

Marketing Trends 2025
Marketing Trends 2025

Added on 13/03/2025

Recommended for you’: where does it come from?
Recommended for you’: where does it come from?

Anne-Kathrin Klesse

Added on 13/03/2025

Middle Managers: The Forgotten Heroes of Innovation
Middle Managers: The Forgotten Heroes of Innovation

Ben M. Bensaou

Added on 13/03/2025

Risorse umane Leadership
Come potenziare la gestione del brand con l’IA
Come potenziare la gestione del brand con l’IA

Julian De Freitas
Elie Ofek

Added on 11/03/2025

You need more than data to understand your customers
You need more than data to understand your customers

Marcus Collins

Added on 11/03/2025

Marketing 6.0. Il futuro è immersivo
Marketing 6.0. Il futuro è immersivo

Philip Kotler
Hermawan Kartajaya
Iwan Setiawan

Added on 11/03/2025

The new challenges of brand management
The new challenges of brand management

Marcus Collins

Added on 11/03/2025

Incarnazione digitale. Custodire l'umano nell'infosfera
Incarnazione digitale. Custodire l'umano nell'infosfera

Luca Peyron

Added on 11/03/2025

Innovazione Risorse umane
Donald Trump’s economic delusions are already hurting America
Donald Trump’s economic delusions are already hurting America

Added on 10/03/2025

Lavoratori giovani: quanto può costare una risorsa scarsa?
Lavoratori giovani: quanto può costare una risorsa scarsa?

Federico Fubini

Added on 06/03/2025

Scenario Risorse umane
Italian strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2024 - 2026
Italian strategy for Artificial Intelligence 2024 - 2026

Added on 06/03/2025

Innovazione Risorse umane
Il mercato del lavoro in Italia: il punto di vista di Istat
Il mercato del lavoro in Italia: il punto di vista di Istat

Nicoletta Panuzzi

Added on 06/03/2025

Scenario Risorse umane
Generate Value From GenAI With ‘Small t’ Transformations
Generate Value From GenAI With ‘Small t’ Transformations

Melissa Webster
George Westerman

Added on 06/03/2025

Innovazione Risorse umane