GLOBAL SUMMITIN PERSON AND VIA WEB Sustainability Global Summit 2023. Winning the challenges ahead for companies Nota informativa
GLOBAL SUMMITIN PERSON AND VIA WEB Sustainability Global Summit 2023. Winning the challenges ahead for companies Kit
Why all businesses should embrace sustainability. Some top companies are leading the way Knut HaanaesIMD
EU Energy Deals Tracker Susi Dennison, Szymon Kardaś, Gosia Piaskowska, Pawel ZerkaEuropean Council on Foreign Relations
Decarbonisation nations: How EU climate diplomacy can save the world Susi Dennison, Mats EngstromEuropean Council on Foreign Relations
Keeping the lights on: The EU’s energy relationships since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine Szymon KardaśEuropean Council on Foreign Relations
Current Energy Crises, the Energy Transition and the Design of Electricity Markets David RobinsonThe Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
The Energy Transition: key challenges for incumbent players in the global energy economy James Henderson, Anupama SenThe Oxford Institute for Energy Studies
The Inner Game of Tennis: The ultimate guide to the mental side of peak performance Timothy GallweyPan
Purpose + profitto. Come le aziende possono migliorare il mondo e veder crescere gli utili George SerafeimEgea
Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2023United Nations, Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development
The Essential Link Between ESG Targets & Financial Performance it’s key to building a sustainable business model. Mark R. Kramer , Marc W. PfitzerHarvard Business Review
ESG Is Going to Have a Rocky 2023. Sustainability Will Be Just Fine. Andrew WinstonMIT Sloan Management Review
Rapporto SDGs 2023. Informazioni statistiche per l’agenda 2030 in ItaliaISTAT - Istituto nazionale di statistica
Revealed: more than 90% of rainforest carbon offsets by biggest certifier are worthless, analysis showsThe Guardian
Strategic leadership for a “net zero mindset”Frederik DahlmannWarwick Business School, Associate Professor of Strategy & Sustainability
La transizione sostenibilie: un’accelerazione senza precedentiCarlo CiciThe European House - Ambrosetti, Partner e Head of Sustainability Practice
Sustainability across the lifecycle of a carIrene FeigeBMW Group, Head of Climate Strategy and Circular Economy
La transizione energetica come competizione globale tra Super - PotenzeArturo VarvelliEuropean Council on Foreign Relations - Roma, Direttore
Key issues in the Energy TransitionJames HendersonEnergy Transition Research Initiative; Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, Director; Chairman Gas Research Programme
Brew a better world. Operationalizing SustainabilitySonia ThimmiahThe HEINEKEN Company, Global Senior Director Sustainability