GLOBAL SUMMITIN PERSON AND VIA WEB Sustainability Global Summit 2025 From compliance to competitiveness (with networking lunch) Nota informativa
GLOBAL SUMMITIN PERSON AND VIA WEB Sustainability Global Summit 2025 From compliance to competitiveness (with networking lunch) Kit
Corporate sustainability: balancing values, competitiveness, and compliance at the 14th mile Carlo Cici
Adottare un approccio strategico alla sostenibilità Jason Jay, Kate Isaacs, Hong Linh NguyenHarvard Business Review Italia
Andare oltre l’ESG. Il modello ha i suoi detrattori. Ecco le nuove strategie per un business responsabile Robert G. EcclesHarvard Business Review Italia
Rapporto ASviS 2024. Coltivare ora il nostro futuro. L’Italia e gli obiettivi di Sviluppo SostenibileASviS - Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Conciliare innovazione verde e obiettivi d’impresa W. Chan Kim, Renée Mauborgne, Mi JiHarvard Business Review Italia
Il legame essenziale fra obiettivi ESG e performance finanziaria. È fondamentale per costruire un modello d’impresa sostenibile Mark R. Kramer, Marc W. PfitzerHarvard Business Review Italia
The circular business revolution. A practical framework for sustainable business models Julia Binder, Manuel BraunPearson
Higher ground. How business can do the right thing in a turbulent world Alison TaylorHarvard Business Review
Practitioners' suide to embedding sustainability Chisara Ehiemere, Tensie WhelanNYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business
Sustainability or competitiveness? A false dilemmaEnrico GiovanniniAlleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile, Fondatore e Direttore Scientifico
Imagine a world where beauty drives sustainability and competitivenessMario CucinellaMario Cucinella Architects, Fondatore e Direttore Creativo
Immersive sustainability: from responsibility to competitive edgeCarolyn KissaneNew York University, Founder, Energy, Climate Justice and Sustainability Lab
The circle framework: a catalyst for sustainable business and competitivenessJonatan PinkseKing’s Business School, King’s College London, Professor of Sustainable Business
Driving competitiveness through sustainable innovationAndrea VenaEuropean Space Agency, Chief Climate and Sustainability Officer
From vision to reality: unleashing the power of circular business modelsJulia BinderIMD Business School, Professor of Sustainable Innovation
Circular economy and competitiveness: the Stellantis visionAlison JonesStellantis, Senior Vice President Global Circular Economy
Sustainability in the pharmaceutical sector: from risk mitigation to value creationLutz HegemannNovartis, President, Global Health and Swiss Country Affairs
Corporate sustainability: balancing values, competitiveness, and compliance in a new landscapeCarlo CiciTEHA Group, Partner, Head of Sustainability Practice