Former professional poker player and writer
CEO, Adidas Runtastic; VP Mobile, Adidas
Country Human Resources Manager, IKEA Italia
Professor of Management, SC Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University
Deputy Dean for Ethics, Diversity and Inclusion, IE Business School di Madrid
Chair in Innovation and Commercialisation of Additive Manufacturing, Central University of Technology
Columnist, Corriere della Sera
President, Longanesi; Editorialist, Corriere della Sera
Chief Science Officer e Co-fondatore, SENS - Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence, UK
Secrétaire d'État auprès du ministre de l'Europe et des affaires étrangères en parleront, République française
President, Institute for Liberty and Democracy, Perú
già Global Vice President Learning, Carlsberg Group
Executive Director, Master of Corporate Reputation, School of Communication, University of Navarra e IESE Business School
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