IT01:20:13November 2022La sfida della transizione energetica: tra obiettivi net zero e crisi internazionaliAlessandro LanzaDirettore, Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
IT00:53:21November 2022Transizione energetica: una sfida locale e globaleAndrea BombardiExecutive Vice President Carbon Reduction Excellence, RINA
IT00:51:52November 2022Energia, Europa e Mediterraneo: tre grandi sfide geopolitiche per l’ItaliaFederico PetroniConsigliere redazionale; co-fondatore, LIMES; iMerica
IT EN00:29:46October 2022Rare Earths and other strategic resources. The challenge of control at the heart of global competitionSophia KalantzakosGlobal Distinguished Professor in Environmental Studies and Public Policy, New York University
IT00:55:49October 2022Incontro con Federico Rampini: quale futuro per l’Occidente?Federico RampiniScrittore e giornalista, Corriere della Sera
IT00:40:30October 2022Come allenarsi mentalmente a prendere le decisioni migliori?Gabriele BoccoliniPreparatore Atletico, Atalanta B.C.
IT00:37:58October 2022Studiare il contesto per elaborare una strategia vincenteSonny ColbrelliCiclista, Vincitore della Parigi-Roubaix
IT EN01:22:16October 2022The roadmap to resilienceMartin ChristopherEmeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of Management
IT EN01:22:15October 2022Rethinking the supply chain in a turbulent worldMartin ChristopherEmeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of Management
IT00:40:53October 2022Verso business model sostenibili: una sfida green ed un’opportunità di crescita per le aziendeLorenzo MassaProfessor of Strategy and Business Models, Aalborg University Business School
IT EN00:20:07October 2022What if the Great Resignation was in fact the Great Renegotiation?Louise BeveridgeFounding Partner; Former Senior Vice President Communications, JUSTE; Kering Group
IT EN00:27:07October 2022Young generations at work: preparing for the workforce of the futureJoe NellisProfessor of Global Economy & Deputy Dean Economics and Banking, Cranfield School of Management
IT EN00:28:41October 2022The workplace of the future: how to (even) rethink spacesJulia SimetCo-Firm Managing Principal, Gensler
EN00:28:51October 2022The neuroscience of confidence - and how it can be learnedIan RobertsonProfessor of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin
IT01:17:34October 2022Come creare aziende resilienti, creative e stimolantiMichele ZaniniAutore ed esperto di sviluppo organizzativo
IT01:11:08October 2022Sostegno alla crescita, transizione ecologica e crisi energeticaAlberto LocarnoVice capo del Servizio Operazioni sui Mercati, Banca D'Italia
IT01:18:09October 2022Inflazione e prospettive per l’economia: come far ripartire l’Italia?Alberto LocarnoVice capo del Servizio Operazioni sui Mercati, Banca D'Italia
IT01:00:47October 2022Humanocracy: rimettere le persone al centro per rendere le aziende straordinarieMichele ZaniniAutore ed esperto di sviluppo organizzativo
IT EN01:31:53October 2022Digital Transformation and (Cyber) Security: Key IT challenges of today and tomorrowMarco IacomussiDirettore Digital & Information Technology, LeonardoAntonio PisanoSVP Cyber & Information Security, LeonardoMassimo SideriAdjunct Professor di Storia socio-economica dell'innovazione, Università Luiss Guido Carli
IT EN00:48:25October 2022Engagement, purpose and keenness: the keys to being successfulGianmarco PozzeccoCommissario tecnico, Nazionale italiana di pallacanestro maschile
IT EN00:31:39October 2022Living (and fighting) in a submarine: the importance of the Human Factor in complex environmentsManuel Moreno MinutoComandante in Seconda della Base Sommergibili, Marina Militare Italiana
IT EN00:29:26October 2022Space for diversity: the DE&I path at ESAErsilia Vaudo ScarpettaChief Diversity Officer, ESA
IT EN00:32:51October 2022The importance of the human side in the new hybrid workplaces: Microsoft’s perspectiveAmy ColemanCorporate Vice President, Human Resources & Corporate Functions, Microsoft
IT00:27:46October 2022Come raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi: positività e motivazioneGiusy Versace Atleta paralimpica; politica; scrittrice