IT01:04:58May 2024L’IA come strumento per l’espressione creativa: immagini, scrittura e suoniRocco TanicaMusicista, membro del gruppo Elio e le Storie Tese
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IT00:38:21May 2024Spunti di management dai grandi della musica: Bach, lo specialistaGiorgio FabbriDirettore d'orchestra e musicista
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IT EN00:56:11May 2024The Generative AI revolution: the impact on analytics, decision making and engagementHosni ZaoualiGuest Lecturer; CEO, Stanford University; ConnectED-Labs
IT00:29:29April 2024Come favorire la creatività in azienda? Alcuni spunti dal mondo della modaFabio GuenzaProfessore; Co-fondatore, Bologna Business School; Blumine
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IT00:22:04April 2024il mondo dell’architettura come spinta per essere più creativi e sostenibiliDavide AngeliDesigner e Vicedirettore, AMDL CIRCLE
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IT EN00:40:12April 2024Possible futures and the future we wantEnrico GiovanniniDirettore Scientifico e Fondatore, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS)
IT EN00:30:25April 2024The future of human genomicsMatthew BrownChief Scientific Officer;Professor of Medicine, Genomics England; King's College London
IT EN00:36:56April 2024The future of technology. From linear to exponential thinkingMaarten SteinbuchDistinguished University Professor in Systems and Control, Eindhoven University of Technology
IT EN00:30:48April 2024The future of Europe between challenges and prospectsNathalie TocciDirector, Istituto Affari Internazionali
IT EN00:20:01April 2024The end of globalization and the future of global tradeElisabeth BrawSenior Fellow, The Atlantic Council
IT EN00:29:14April 2024The global political outlook between elections and rising tensionsGilles GressaniFondatore e Direttore, Le Grand Continent
IT00:38:03April 2024Empatia e riconoscimento dell’altro come base per risolvere anche le più dure controversieGiacinto SicilianoDirettore, Casa Circondariale di Milano San Vittore
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IT EN00:46:02April 2024Understanding microstress to fight it and start responding to itRobert CrossSenior Vice President of Research;Edward A. Madden Professor of Global Leadership, i4cp; Babson College
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IT EN00:40:05April 2024The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive sideJonathan GottschallAuthor and Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College
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IT EN00:26:33April 20242024 Geopolitical Outlook. Inflection PointTina FordhamFounder and Geopolitical Strategist;ormer Chief Global Political Analyst, Fordham Global Foresight; Wall Street, Citi