Karen Eber
Scrittrice; Founder, The Eber Leadership Group
Daniele Eccher dall'Eco
Responsabile Sostenibilità, Fater
Jonathan Edelman
Adjunct Professor, Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering
Richard Edelman
President & CEO, Edelman, USA
Christof Ehrhart
Executive Vice President Corporate Communications and Responsibility, Deutsche Post DHL Group
Mohamed A. El-Erian
President, Queens’ College, University of Cambridge; Chief Economic Advisor, Allianz
Anthony Elliott
Professore di Sociologia, University of South Australia & University College Dublin
Henrik Ellström
Global Brand Director, Absolut Vodka
Marta Elvira
Professor of Managing People in Organizations and Strategic Management, IESE Business School
Bill Emmott
Scrittore e consulente di affari internazionali. Già Direttore di The Economist
Andrea Enria
Presidente, European Banking Authority - EBA
James Ensten
Manager, Cloud Networking Group Cisco Meraki
Sergio Erede
Socio fondatore, BonelliErede
Tamara Erickson
Adjunct Professor of Organisational Behaviour e Director del programma “Leading Businesses Into the Future”, London Business School
Michele Ermidoro
Socio, Aisent
Stefano Ermon
Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Stanford
Alexander Erwin
Chairman - former Minister of Public Enterprises and former Minister of Trade and Industry - South A, UBU Investment Holdings Pty Ltd
Elena Esposito
Professoressa di Sociologia, Università di Bielefeld e Università di Bologna
Paul Excell
Executive Coach