Michael Wade
Professor of Innovation and Strategy and Director of IMD Global Center for Digital Business Transformation
Vivek Wadhwa
Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering, USA
Jennifer Wallace
Scrittrice; Fondatrice di The Mattering Institute
Chris Wallis
VP Innovations, Polymateria
Mike Walsh
Futurologo e Chief Executive Officer, Tomorrow
Andreas Weigend
Founder Director, Social Data Lab, Stanford University, USA
Jacqueline Welch
Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer, The New York Times
Jeff Welser
Vice President IBM Research - Almaden
Glen Weyl
Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft; Founder, the RadicalxChange Foundation
Richard White
Vice Presidente, Ab Inbev
Richard Willis
Director Digital Marketing EuRoMEA, Mattel Inc.
Edward Wilson
Chief People Officer, Ryanair
Kirby Winfield
Founding General Partner, Ascend Venture Capital
Andrew Winston
Autore, Esperto di business sostenibile
Daniel John Winteler
Executive Chairman di TEHA Group e Consigliere Delegato di The European House - Ambrosetti per le Operazioni Straordinarie e Business Development
Jaap Winter
Professore di diritto societario internazionale, Università di Amsterdam
Martin Wolf
Associate Editor e Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
Brian Wong
Imprenditore; scrittore
David Woo
Head of Global Rates, Foreign Exchange, Emerging Market Fixed Income Strategy and Economics Research, Bank of America Global Research
Christopher Worley
Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, NEOMA Business School - Reims